Code of Conduct:
All members are expected to abide by the rules: Any member found to break the rules will lose their membership .
Founding members 2013 Travis, Frosty, Burkey
All members will show respect to each other and members of the public at all times.
All members are expected to own and ride a Motorcycle not necessarily a Harley Davidson.
No Gossiping will be tolerated
Trouble makers will not be tolerated or welcome as a South of Heaven Smc member .
South Of Heaven Smc encourage's other riders who are not members to join our runs.
The South of Heaven symbol, wording and logo are at no time to be altered or defaced by any member.
This is not a 1% club
No racial or sexual discrimination will be tolerated
Use of heavy drugs or needles will not be tolerated
No back patch with rockers to be worn