Code of Conduct
Members and Prospect Members including Full, Associate, Life and Honorary Members are expected to behave in such a manner as to avoid discrediting or dishonouring the Club or themselves.
Members are expected to acknowledge our Founders - Travis, Frosty and Burkey.
Members should show the utmost respect towards each other and members of the public at all times.
We expect all of our Members and Prospective Members to read, understand and adhere to the Code of Conduct and abide by the Club Constitution, Rules and By-Laws; any member found to break those rules will face disciplinary action and possible loss of membership.
All Members must possess a suitable roadworthy registered motorcycle and have a current motorcycle rider’s Licence.
No gossiping will be tolerated. Trouble makers will not be welcome as a South of Heaven member.
South of Heaven encourages other riders who are not members to join our runs.
The South of Heaven symbol, wording and logo are at no time to be altered or defaced by any member.
South of Heaven is not a 1% club.
South of Heaven prohibits discrimination, harassment and bullying in any form – verbal, physical or visual. Any racial or sexual discrimination will not be tolerated.
The Club's position on substance abuse is simple; it is incompatible with the health and safety of our members and is not permitted. Consumption of alcohol is not banned at our events (unless otherwise stated), but members are expected to use good judgement and drink responsibly as any behaviour that endangers the safety of others and violates the law could damage the Club’s reputation. The use of heavy drugs or needles will not be tolerated.
Three-piece back patches are banned.
No member is permitted, without authority, to make or reproduce Club merchandise including the use of logos or graphics. Unauthorised use will result in a severe penalty and/or membership termination.